Jonah turned 4 months old this past week. I have to say I think this is a great age. My best friend used to tell me that 4 months was her favorite age...never knew exactly why until now. It's gotta be those smiles!!!! They are the greatest. When Jonah smiled in the past, it was usually in his sleep or something, never in direct response to anything (except maybe gas). Now our little boy is as fun as a barrel of monkeys. He smiles, laughs, and giggles to anyone trying halfway to entertain him. And although he does it so often, every time gets me...that toothless, slobbery little mouth breaks a smile and then instantly breaks my heart!!!! I love it!
Happy 4-month birthday, Jonah! I must say, he DOES have an awfully cute smile!!
How sweet! I love the family photo at the top of your blog. Great picture!!!
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